Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or mHBOT is the medical use of oxygen in a pressurized environment at a level higher than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA). Increased pressure allows for oxygen to dissolve and saturate more readily into our blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid and all liquids within our body (Henry’s Law of Gases). This is independent of Red Blood Cell (Erythrocyte) counts because under pressure at 4-7 psi, oxygen is increased 300-600% within the plasma and is more easily delivered to every cell throughout the human body. We use 1.3-1.5 ATA (pressure) levels because research has shown to be the best treatment for neurocognitive conditions
Supplemental oxygen reduces stress on the lungs which can help with improved breathing comfort. Having supplementary oxygen at hand wherever you do can also make you feel more secure in cases where you many have difficulty or trouble breathing.
Oxygen feeds our brain. Hence, with the use of supplemental oxygen, our ability to think, reason and memorise can be improved. Many studies have shown proof as to how supplemental oxygen can aid in raising cognitive functions.
Our body needs oxygen to function. For this reason, having hypoxemia (oxygen levels fall below 92%) is extremely dangerous. Hypoxemia, or low blood oxygen, is a condition where there is a low oxygen level in blood which can lead to health complications. Hence, doctors may prescribe oxygen therapy and/or oxygen concentrators to allow for continuous supply of oxygen to patients.
People with respiratory disorders often require the help of supplemental oxygen for sleep. Patients in hospitals may also be provided with continuous oxygen flow to aid with rest and recovery. For stressed working adults, sleep may not come easily. Many find themselves thinking of work long after working hours are over. This inability to regulate stress and thoughts result in poor sleep quality.
Stress is notably one of the biggest causes for concern today. But how do we combat it? According to the American Institute of Stress (AIS), the act of “focused breathing” is, by far, the best way to combat stress. In other words, a few deep inhalations can help “jumpstart” focused breathing by getting you to slow down and concentrate on breath intake. In like manner, fatigue can also disrupt your quality of life. The National Institute for Health (NIH) states that “Oxygen therapy helps many people function better and be more active. It also may help decrease……fatigue.” In line with getting better sleep, oxygen can help you overcome issues related to sleep and fatigue.
Those who suffer from chronic lung diseases or respiratory conditions can’t do exercise normally without the help of supplemental oxygen. Engaging in physical activity increases demand for oxygen and forces the lungs to work harder. Supplemental oxygen can give you the extra catch of breath you need when engaging in physical activity.
Hyperbaric oxygen is breathing in high concentrated oxygen while being subjected to pressure greater than ambient pressure. Oxygen naturally plays a crucial role in recovery from injury and physiological fatigue. Under hyperbaric oxygen environments, more oxygen is dissolved in the blood plasma, increasing the oxygen reaching the peripheral tissues. HBOT is therefore expected to improve recovery from injury and fatigue.
Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been reported to be beneficial in terms of accelerating cell recovery and tissue repair, which are considered to be helpful for eliminating fatigue and recovering stamina. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of HBOT for exercise-related muscular injury. (Chen et al., 2019) Moreover, recent experimental evidence implies that pain may be decreased with intermittent to long-term exposure to hyperbaric oxygen sessions.
The Cocoon by O2genes is a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber (mHBOT). Oxygen levels and pressure in the Cocoon is 40% higher than sea level. This wellness tool that immerses individuals in high levels of oxygen ensures that oxygenated blood is circulated all around our body. In high pressured oxygenated environments, our tissues are flushed with high levels of oxygen and we are able to enjoy benefits such as increased metabolism, higher energy levels, faster recovery, and more!
In the case of sleep, the University of Alberta Neuroscientists found that when an individual is exposed to high levels of oxygen, it encourages their brain to remain in deep, restorative sleep. Deep sleep helps our brains and bodies with recovery as well as memory consolidation. On the other hand, when we are exposed to less oxygen, our brains remain in rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. Oxygen therapy like the cocoon could be used to enhance deep sleep to ensure that individuals who tend to suffer from insomnia get enough restorative and slow-wave sleep.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may serve to provide a means of therapy to facilitate speedier resumptions to pre-injury activity levels as well as improve the short and long term prognosis of the injury (EC;, 2000). HBOT has been reported to reduce post-injury swelling in animals, and in humans with swelling mitigated. Positive results have also been reported regarding tissue remodelling after injuries, with those involving bones, muscles and ligaments showing improved recovery. In the Nagano Winter Olympics, where sports players experiencing fatigue used hyperbaric oxygen, enabling them to continue performing in the games (Ishii et al., 2005), showing how HBOT can effectively increased recovery from fatigue. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been reported to be beneficial in terms of accelerating cell recovery and tissue repair, which are considered to be helpful for eliminating fatigue and recovering stamina. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of HBOT for exercise-related muscular injury. (Chen et al., 2019) Moreover, recent experimental evidence implies that pain may be decreased with intermittent to long-term exposure to hyperbaric oxygen sessions.
Studies show that supplemental oxygen is an all-natural health and wellness aid that promotes recovery, sharpens mental acuity, and helps generate energy at the cellular level. Health professionals state that increased oxygen intake can help with health and well-being. It promotes energy and increased capacity for aerobic exercise.
he Cocoon by O2genes is a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber (mHBOT). Oxygen levels and pressure in the Cocoon is 40%-50% higher than sea level. This wellness tool that immerses individuals in high levels of oxygen ensures that oxygenated blood is circulated all around our body. In high pressured oxygenated environments, our tissues are flushed with high levels of oxygen and we are able to enjoy benefits such as increased metabolism, higher energy levels, faster recovery, and more! In the case of insomnia, the University of Alberta Neuroscientists found that when an individual is exposed to high levels of oxygen, it encourages their brain to remain in deep, restorative sleep. Deep sleep helps our brains and bodies with recovery as well as memory consolidation. On the other hand, when we are exposed to less oxygen, our brains remain in rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. Oxygen therapy like the cocoon could be used to enhance deep sleep to ensure that individuals who tend to suffer from insomnia get enough restorative and slow-wave sleep. One’s oxygen levels in the blood may be lower during sleep, due to a mildly reduced level of breathing. When a person isn’t getting enough oxygen, all organs of the body can be affected, especially the brain, heart and kidneys. There is evidence that, for people who have low levels of oxygen, supplemental oxygen improves quality of life, exercise tolerance and even survival. Supplemental oxygen can also help relieve symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness and depression. You may be more alert, sleep better and be in a better mood.
Telomere length is a marker of biological ageing. Our body contains telomeres, a region of repetitive DNA sequences at the end of a chromosome. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become slightly shorter. When the telomeres become too short, the cell will die as it is no longer be able to divide successfully. Cocooning can help with reverse ageing because it can lengthen up to 38% of our telomeres at a rate far beyond any currently available intervention of lifestyle modification. Moreover, cocooning decreases the old cells in our bodies by 11-37% which effectively promotes regeneration of new cells!
You probably know that as we age, we experience the physical symptoms of aging: fat buildup, muscle loss, and wrinkles. But do you know why it happens? Aging means your body is less efficient at repairing and regenerating your skin, removing unwanted toxins and debris, and healing. Hyperbaric chambers can boost your body’s oxygen level, establishing a healthy blood circulation, rehabilitating skin, and boosting your immune system. Additionally, with these capabilities, hyperbaric oxygen therapy even fights the mental symptoms of aging such as declining cognitive skills.
Human beings have 4 basic needs: food, water, shelter, and air. The air we breathe is approximately 21% oxygen, which is the gas that enables our bodies’ functioning. The remaining 79% of air does not power our bodies in the same way oxygen does. Doses of pure oxygen promote our bodies’ natural processes including healing and according to the American Lung Association, it also improves sleep, mood, mental alertness, and stamina in our day-to-day lives.
While the jury is still out on this topic, recent evidence suggests yes! According to a study at Shamir Medical Center, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can stop and even reverse two major processes associated with aging: the deterioration of blood cells and shortening of telomeres. As we age, our bodies begin to break down and these two processes are challenged. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides a non-invasive, painless, and revitalizing solution.
Both Lebron James and Michael Phelps, among other successful competitors, have used hyperbaric oxygen therapy in their training. Increased oxygen to your body means your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are provided with a richer blood supply. Oxygenated blood supports quicker healing of injuries, reduces muscle soreness, decreases inflammation, and even improves endurance while training. Professional athletes attest to hyperbaric chamber use, but even novice exercisers can benefit from less post-work out soreness and a shorter recovery period!
Yes! Wound healing is 1 of 13 FDA-approved uses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is particularly useful for chronic wounds, which are non-healing wounds that fail to heal correctly despite traditional hospital interventions. These include diabetic ulcers, wounds from radiation poisoning, infectious wounds, and surgical wounds.
For your body to heal bruises, cuts, and breaks, your blood has to carry oxygen to the injury. HBOT stimulates the creation of new blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and even destroys harmful bacteria that can infect a wound.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is generally pleasant and comfortable; you get a chance to relax! Many users bring a book to read or puzzle to solve during therapy. Other than slight sinus pressure, you should not feel any pain, especially at lower pressures.
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